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[ Global Economy Newspaper ] 'SC Holdings' Completes Issuance of FDA NDC Labeler Code

SC holdings. Inc. 2024-08-05 Number of views 14


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[ Global Economy Newspaper ] 'SC Holdings' Completes Issuance of FDA NDC Labeler Code

SC Holdings (CEO Cheon Se-chang) announced that it has received the FDA NDC Labeler Code.

The company exports domestic cosmetics to the United States and Canada, focusing on Amazon.com and Amazon Canada. It has its own team capable of obtaining certifications from the U.S. FDA and Health Canada.

The FDA's Labeler Code allows for the registration of OTC (Over-The-Counter) drugs that can be purchased without a prescription in the FDA system. This code is necessary to register and legally sell sunscreen cosmetics and acne treatment products in the United States.

A company representative stated, "With the implementation of the U.S. MoCRA (Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act) in July, it has become challenging for many cosmetics brands to export products, particularly sunscreens and sunsticks, to the United States. We provide FDA OTC registration and export sales services. Any brands experiencing difficulties with exporting sunscreen products to the U.S. are encouraged to contact us."

Meanwhile, SC Holdings' FDA OTC registration and export sales services can be found on the official website.

Source: Global Economy Newspaper (https://www.getnews.co.kr)