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[ Seoul Economic Network TV ] SC Holdings Establishes Specialized Team for Health Canada Cosmetics

SC holdings. Inc. 2024-08-05 Number of views 12


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Seoul Economic Network TV ] SC Holdings Establishes Specialized Team for Health Canada Cosmetics Registration

SC Holdings (CEO Cheon Se-chang) announced the establishment of a specialized team for Health Canada cosmetics registration.

Health Canada, like the U.S. FDA, is an agency that oversees health functional foods, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. To legally sell cosmetics and pharmaceuticals in Canada, companies must obtain a CN (Cosmetic Number), NPN (Natural Product Number), or DIN (Drug Identification Number) from Health Canada.

A company representative stated, "Canada is a market with high client satisfaction and significant growth potential, but many cosmetics brands face challenges due to entry barriers such as Health Canada certification and local corporation establishment."

They added, "SC Holdings specializes in exporting domestic cosmetics to the U.S. and Canada, primarily through Amazon.com and Amazon Canada. We have our own team capable of obtaining certifications from the U.S. FDA and Health Canada."

For more details on SC Holdings' Health Canada registration and export sales services, please visit the official website. / Reporter Jung Ui-joon firstay@sedaily.com

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